Medicinal plant long been used and provide our ancestors of good health for maintenance and treatment. For centurles plants such as reliable drug for various diseases. Historical note indicates that the first understand about general growth - the plant and understand how medicinal use is as medicine.
Knowledge of the written drug plants obtained from experience of knowledge based physician other countries like China and India. Consequences because this is the place of Indonesia as astranger in transit travel elsewhere. Knowledge of plant medicinal that we do not much different people with the knowledge of China and India.
With the entry of our country modern treatment system bringing the nation by the Dutch School Doctor with establishment of Java ( STOVIA ) year 1908, the knowledge and practice drug treatment plant with gradualty and systematically start left. Traditional knowledge considered by ancient plant medicine, dangerous, unhygienic, does not make sense and stupid. Therefore educated people who should not use materials plant material of that again, but should use drugs modern medicine. West with the development of education model so we leave the knowledge and how much how to drug traetment plant using.
In the East like country : Japan, PRC ( China ), Taiwan, Korea no such thing happened. Modern treatment by using chemical materials and continues to modern equipment, such further treatment plant traditional medicine in developed maintained.
There is reason why many people back to start using plant medicine ( herbal medicine ) for healing disease. Among the many reasons are there shortcomings and weaknesses of chemical drug such as :
1. Likely to cause negative side effect, elther directly or accumulated
2. Often do not or can not effectively cure many diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
cancer, stroke etc
3. Prices tend to be high because of high distribution costs and imports, elther in the form of drugs and
pharmaceuticals raw materials.
Based on the facts of chemical drugs such weaknesses, the current concept for the " back to nature " in the field of health care and treatment is inceasing.
2. Efective to cure certain diseases refractory to chemical drugs ( modern )
3. Relative cheap considering in the cost of medicinal plants can be planted in the yard. Cost can be
more expensive when it is in the form of samplicia without having other people depend on ald or
medical experts.
Medicinal plant long been used and provide our ancestors of good health for maintenance and treatment. For centurles plants such as reliable drug for various diseases. Historical note indicates that the first understand about general growth - the plant and understand how medicinal use is as medicine.
Knowledge of the written drug plants obtained from experience of knowledge based physician other countries like China and India. Consequences because this is the place of Indonesia as astranger in transit travel elsewhere. Knowledge of plant medicinal that we do not much different people with the knowledge of China and India.
With the entry of our country modern treatment system bringing the nation by the Dutch School Doctor with establishment of Java ( STOVIA ) year 1908, the knowledge and practice drug treatment plant with gradualty and systematically start left. Traditional knowledge considered by ancient plant medicine, dangerous, unhygienic, does not make sense and stupid. Therefore educated people who should not use materials plant material of that again, but should use drugs modern medicine. West with the development of education model so we leave the knowledge and how much how to drug traetment plant using.
In the East like country : Japan, PRC ( China ), Taiwan, Korea no such thing happened. Modern treatment by using chemical materials and continues to modern equipment, such further treatment plant traditional medicine in developed maintained.
There is reason why many people back to start using plant medicine ( herbal medicine ) for healing disease. Among the many reasons are there shortcomings and weaknesses of chemical drug such as :
1. Likely to cause negative side effect, elther directly or accumulated
2. Often do not or can not effectively cure many diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
cancer, stroke etc
3. Prices tend to be high because of high distribution costs and imports, elther in the form of drugs and
pharmaceuticals raw materials.
Based on the facts of chemical drugs such weaknesses, the current concept for the " back to nature " in the field of health care and treatment is inceasing.
Medicinal plants has several advantages including :
1. Side effects of medicinal plants is relatively nothing when used as directed.2. Efective to cure certain diseases refractory to chemical drugs ( modern )
3. Relative cheap considering in the cost of medicinal plants can be planted in the yard. Cost can be
more expensive when it is in the form of samplicia without having other people depend on ald or
medical experts.
- Diseases patiens incertains in certain attacks still early stage may choose to use with treatment plants diseases drug to prevent the development and disappearance of symptoms.
- Patients have severe disease and had to face that drastic medical procedures such as surgery, amputation or radioactive radiation, so it can choose to use medication with medicinal plants in order to avoid such action.
- Patients with the disease that the doctors could no longer be helped (the doctor had raised their hands), can still be trying to heal themselves with medicinal plants.
Modern medicine; is a substance or mixture of materials used for medical treatment that serves to prevent, eliminate or cure an illness, injury, physical abnormalities, mental as well as beautify the body or limbs
modern drugs derived from chemical product / synthetic that efficacious and safety has been proven scientifically. Everything should be based on research results and should be rationally accounted for by the rules of science.
Traditional medicine (herbal medicine) is a drug or drugs to be covered from various plants, animals, minerals, and or preparation, or a mixture of various materials galenik is that there are no data and its use for clinical health care experience. Traditional or herbal medicine derived from nature and efficacy have not been proven scientifically. So far, its use is based only on records emperik alone, is the record of the experience of someone that has experienced after drinking herbal healing. Even though many people believe herbal properties, but the doctors have not been able to think of it as a drug like modern medicine. Therefore, herbal medicine by the modern health facilities categorized as a group of alternative medicine.
Fitofarmaka; is the natural medicine of raw materials that have undergone standardization simplisa meet the requirements of the official books, scientific research has been done on the raw material to the preparation galenik, as well as the usability and usefulness is clear based on the principles of modern medicine.
Fitofarmaka existence as a drug has been accepted by health practitioners.
To obtain the expected results of the use of medicinal plants:
identification must be done with caution because many medicinal plants that are similar, but not efficacious or have different properties.
The use of raw medicinal plants is the scientific name (Latin name) and the most commonly used. Synonymous with the Latin name for the plant are used when the same drug or medicinal plants are different but have the same efficacy.
In order to get the best ingredients from plants, keep in mind the time or the time of collection and harvesting of nutritious ingredients.
Guidelines for the collection of medicinal materials in general:
a. Leaves; collected during flowering and before fruit becomes ripe
b. Interest; collected before or immediately after bloom.
c. Seeds; collected from perfectly ripe fruit.
d. Fruit, picked in a ripe state.
e. Roots, rhizomes, tubers, and bulbs; collected during the growth process stops.
Washing done with clean water and drain.
Drying is done slowly and the process starts from the sweeping (dry wind) and then dried under direct sunlight or oven (50 degrees Celsius) until the levels of 12-14%. to certain plant parts such as bulbs need to be cut thinner to speed drying. Oven used should be sourced from the electricity.
The use of medicinal plants must consider the nature and flavor of plants:
Nature: there are four kinds of medicinal plants properties: cold, cool, warm and hot. Medicinal plants that are hot and warm are used for the treatment of cold syndrome, whereas plants that are cold and are used to cool the heat treatment of the syndrome.
Taste: This flavor is used for certain purposes because in addition associated with an organ also has its own properties and uses.
There are 5 kinds of herbs taste: spicy, sweet, sour, bitter, salty and fresh.
a .The plant material may be single or potions, and have a clean condition (dry or fresh).
b. Place boiling preferably from a material made of clay, ceramic, glass or email, and do not use the
materials made of metal.
c. How To Boil.after the materials are put in place a clean and boiling (pan), add water to drink as
much as the plan (2-3 glasses). Marking on the surface of the water and add as much water to the
pot boiling, and then wait for the fire to boil, and then let it boil for 10-15 minutes. After that reduce
heat and let the water evaporate to reach the mark made.
a. One hour before meals (when the drug does not stimulate the stomach)
b. An empty stomach (for drugs that are tonic)
c. Before bed (for drugs that are soothing / sedative)
d. Drugs taken while warm to cold syndrome disease
e. Drugs taken after the cold to heat syndrome disease
f. Drugs that tend to contain toxic (poison) taken little by little but often.
For chronic disease medication use should be regularly and when necessary drugs drunk like tea.
a. One hour before meals (when the drug does not stimulate the stomach)
b. An empty stomach (for drugs that are tonic)
c. Before bed (for drugs that are soothing / sedative)
d. Drugs taken while warm to cold syndrome disease
e. Drugs taken after the cold to heat syndrome disease
f. Drugs that tend to contain toxic (poison) taken little by little but often.
For chronic disease medication use should be regularly and when necessary drugs drunk like tea.
HOW taking drugs
Drug is usually taken one dose a day divided 2-3 times a day
Drug use medicinal plants to cure disease is relatively long because of its constructive or build but surely. Its treat pain directly at the source and not only on symptoms alone are eliminated
Drug is usually taken one dose a day divided 2-3 times a day
Drug use medicinal plants to cure disease is relatively long because of its constructive or build but surely. Its treat pain directly at the source and not only on symptoms alone are eliminated
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