Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

CINCAU CREEPAGE ( cyclea barbata L.)

CINCAU CREEPAGE ( cyclea barbata L.)

Other names: Camcauh, juju, rawalu, and kepleng
Pharmacological effects: anti-fever, anti-toxins, lowering blood pressure (hypotensive)

Indications: Fever, gastroenteritis, typhoid, and high blood pressure.

Here's how:
a) Fever; roots are sliced ​​and then boiled with water, juice drink.
b) Gastroenteritis, typhoid and high blood pressure, 50 grams of fresh leaves washed and pounded until blended add 4 cups of boiled water and then squeezed and filtered, and let stand until thickened, add 5 tablespoons of sugar. Taken three times a day.

Cultivation: stem cuttings.

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