Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

PATIKAN KEBO ( euphorbia hirta L. )

PATIKAN KEBO / MAKE SURE BUFFALO ( euphorbia hirta L. )

Other Name: the leaves of beans, milk bracelets, nangkaan, kak sekakan and sosonaga

Pharmacological effects
: anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic

Usefulness / efficacy: Asthma, typus abdominalis
Here's how:
a. Asthma: 1 handful of dried leaves patikan bed and board, boiled with 2-3 cups of boiling water, filtered and taken 2 times a day 1/2 cup, morning and afternoon.
b. Typus abdominalis: fresh herbs 30-150 grams boiled with enough water, drink 3 times a day.

Cultivation: seed

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