Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

LEAF DEWA (Gynura segetum (Lour) Merr)

LEAF DEWA (Gynura segetum (Lour) Merr)

Other names: Chinese Bluntas, leaves of the gods or samsit
pharmacological effects: anti koagulant / liquefy the clot.

Indications: Stroke and heart disease, severe beating (bruises), menstruation is not smooth

 Here's how:
a. Stroke and heart; Bulbs 10 grams of fresh leaves of the god of finely ground, add water 1/2 cup, filtered, drinking every afternoon or god leaves 2-3 pieces engulfed three times a day.
b. Severe beating and menstruation is not smooth; fresh plants 15-30 grams boiled in 3 cups of water reserving 1 1/2 cup, drink 3 times a day 1/2 cup.
cultivation: the stem and root cuttings

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