Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

LEAF SPOON (Plantago major)

LEAF SPOON ( plantago mayor ) 

Other names: Ki vein, deer ears, muscle - ototan, ceuli uncal, meloh kiloh, thought pieces, suri shoulders and torongoat

Pharmacological effects: Anti-inflammatory (anti inflammatory), aphrodisiac (add stamina), improve vision in people with diabetes

Indications: Infections of the bladder, a strong medicine man and diabetes
Here's how:
a. Bladder infection; 6 ounces fresh herbs, boiled 3 liters to 1.5 liters, divided by three times the drink, or crushed fresh herbs, squeezed into 1/2 cup, add one tablespoon of honey drink
b. Strong medicine man; spoon three tablespoons bean leaves, ground brewed into tea, add three tablespoons of honey and drink
c. Diabetes; half a handful of leaves boiled water 3 cups to 2 1/4, 3 times a day drink 3/4 cup

Cultivation: seed

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